While extracting duration with duckling how can we get the second normalized value instade of the first value?

while extracting duration with duckling how can we get the second normalized value instade of the first value?

I’m having the same problem. Did you find a solution to this?

@_daisy Sorry I dont know how to post a code :grin:

  • data = tracker.latest_message[“entities”]
  • print(‘1>’, data)
  • #If there are other entities in the list, it will be filtered to return only entities of type “duration”
  • data = list(filter( lambda entity: entity[‘entity’] == “duration”, tracker.latest_message[“entities”] ))
  • print(‘2>’, data)
  • if data:
  • normalized = data[0][“additional_info”][“normalized”]
  • print(‘3>’, normalized[“value”], normalized[“unit”])
  • dispatcher.utter_message(text=f"{normalized[‘value’]} {normalized[‘unit’]}")
  • else:
  • dispatcher.utter_message(text=“Entity not found”)