Hi all,
I have just started with RASA 1.0 and i would like to know how to train the nlu model alone with /model/train API.
As per the documentations payload of the /model/train API is
{ "domain": “intents:\n - greet\n - goodbye\n - affirm\n - deny\n - mood_great\n - mood_unhappy\n\nactions:\n - utter_greet\n - utter_cheer_up\n - utter_did_that_help\n - utter_happy\n - utter_goodbye\n\ntemplates:\n utter_greet:\n - text: “Hey! How are you?”\n\n utter_cheer_up:\n - text: “Here is something to cheer you up:”\n image: “https://i.imgur.com/nGF1K8f.jpg”\n\n utter_did_that_help:\n - text: “Did that help you?”\n\n utter_happy:\n - text: “Great carry on!”\n\n utter_goodbye:\n - text: “Bye””,
"config": “language: en\npipeline: supervised_embeddings\npolicies:\n - name: MemoizationPolicy\n - name: KerasPolicy”,
"nlu": “## intent:greet\n- hey\n- hello\n- hi\n## intent:goodbye\n- bye\n- goodbye\n- have a nice day\n- see you\n## intent:affirm\n- yes\n- indeed\n## intent:deny\n- no\n- never\n## intent:mood_great\n- perfect\n- very good\n- great\n## intent:mood_unhappy\n- sad\n- not good\n- unhappy”,
"stories": “## happy path\n* greet\n\n - utter_greet\n\n* mood_great\n\n - utter_happy\n\n## sad path 1\n* greet\n\n - utter_greet\n\n* mood_unhappy\n\n - utter_cheer_up\n\n - utter_did_that_help\n\n* affirm\n\n - utter_happy\n\n## sad path 2\n* greet\n\n - utter_greet\n\n* mood_unhappy\n\n - utter_cheer_up\n\n - utter_did_that_help\n\n* deny\n\n - utter_goodbye\n\n## say goodbye\n* goodbye\n\n - utter_goodbye”,
"force": false,
"save_to_default_model_directory": true }
My training set and stories are so huge that i cannot afford to make both NLU and core training every time i make some minor changes in the NLU.So is there any way to make only nlu training in rasa 1.0.