Can someone provide me with an example?
Can maybe the Rasa developers take this into account? There are many users in the forum that are asking similar questions.
Hi @eloukas, what exactly do you mean by example? There is an example request body in the HTTP API on the right. However, I just realised that we are missing some line breaks here. Will update that. What else are you missing? Your feedback is highly appreciated. Thanks!
In order to train a model via the API, you need to have a request body similar to this
Hi @Tanja i am using curl -X POST http://localhost:5005/conversations/user1/messages -d '{"sender": "user1", "text": "hello"}' to add the message to the tracker but i am facing an issue as {"version":"1.10.3","status":"failure","message":"Currently, only user messages can be passed to this endpoint. Messages of sender 'user1' cannot be handled.","reason":"BadRequest","details":{"parameter":"sender","in":"body"},"help":null,"code":400}