Hello folks,
I have rcently upgraded my RASA to version 3.4. The previous version was 2.X, and I had no problem with that. The newst version of RASA, unfortunately does not match the code in python. I used RASA NLU by importing RASA libraries, but for the newer version some of them are not working. Here is the following import:
from rasa.nlu.model import Interpreter
But module Interpreter is not found anymore. Anyone knows how to fix it? Actually, I want to run RASA NLU using python code, but not using the HTTP API. Please share your ideas if it’s still possible to do in python.
So I used rasa form for my bot. so here is the scenario
user - I need have issue with XYZ system
bot - Could you please describe your issue?
user - describe issue
bot - provide help using my backend.
This flow works fine in Rasa Shell but not with the code you have provide. I have a slot which I am feeling based on what user types. In the rasa shell it keep asking until user describe the issue. Using the code above, if I pass my text I need have issue with XYZ system it just get me the intent name and confidence doesn’t return me the next step.
The above code is just for finding out the nlu details for each query
As mentioned above. NLU is not responsible for telling the next response. It only tells what is the intent that has been detected for the user query and the confidence of that detected intent.