Using knowledgebase action error

I want to use knowledgebase action. I got lists from json file but the error occur
which is

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/seo/PycharmProjects/Rasabot/gpt-2/Chatbot/", line 25, in <module>
  File "/home/seo/PycharmProjects/Rasabot/gpt-2/Chatbot/", line 19, in run_bot
  File "/home/seo/PycharmProjects/Rasabot/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rasa_core/", line 122, in handle_channel
  File "/home/seo/PycharmProjects/Rasabot/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rasa_core/", line 60, in handle_channel
  File "/home/seo/PycharmProjects/Rasabot/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rasa_core/channels/", line 52, in start_sync_listening
  File "/home/seo/PycharmProjects/Rasabot/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rasa_core/channels/", line 45, in _record_messages
  File "/home/seo/PycharmProjects/Rasabot/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rasa_core/", line 83, in handle_message
    self._predict_and_execute_next_action(message, tracker)
  File "/home/seo/PycharmProjects/Rasabot/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rasa_core/", line 261, in _predict_and_execute_next_action
  File "/home/seo/PycharmProjects/Rasabot/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rasa_core/", line 310, in _run_action
    self._log_action_on_tracker(tracker,, events)
  File "/home/seo/PycharmProjects/Rasabot/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rasa_core/", line 367, in _log_action_on_tracker
  File "/home/seo/PycharmProjects/Rasabot/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rasa_core/", line 295, in update
    raise ValueError("event to log must be an instance "
ValueError: event to log must be an instance of a subclass of Event.

Found the following objects of type 'movie':
1: Insidious
2: Interstella
3: About Time
4: Aladin
5: Frozen

Process finished with exit code 1

I need some more details:

  • How does you knowledge base action look like?
  • Can you please run your bot in debug mode (--debug) and share the output here?
  • Do you have any logs from the action server?


Sorry for late

My knowledge base action look like:

class ActionMyKB(ActionQueryKnowledgeBase):
    def __init__(self):
        # load knowledge base with data from the given file
        knowledge_base = InMemoryKnowledgeBase("knowledge_base_data.json")
        # overwrite the representation function of the hotel object
        # by default the representation function is just the name of the object
        # knowledge_base.set_representation_function_of_object(
        #     "movie", lambda obj: obj["name"] + " (" + obj["city"] + ")"
        # )


    def name(self) -> Text:

         return "action_query_knowledge_base"

    def run(
                    dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,
                    tracker: Tracker,
                    domain: Dict[Text, Any],
                ) -> List[Dict[Text, Any]]:
                    Executes this action. If the user ask a question about an attribute,
                    the knowledge base is queried for that attribute. Otherwise, if no
                    attribute was detected in the request or the user is talking about a new
                    object type, multiple objects of the requested type are returned from the
                    knowledge base.
                        dispatcher: the dispatcher
                        tracker: the tracker
                        domain: the domain
                    Returns: list of slots
                    object_type = tracker.get_slot(SLOT_OBJECT_TYPE)
                    last_object_type = tracker.get_slot(SLOT_LAST_OBJECT_TYPE)
                    attribute = tracker.get_slot(SLOT_ATTRIBUTE)

                    new_request = object_type != last_object_type

                    if not object_type:
                        # object type always needs to be set as this is needed to query the
                        # knowledge base
                        return []

                    if not attribute or new_request:
                        return self._query_objects(dispatcher, tracker)
                    elif attribute:
                        return self._query_attribute(dispatcher, tracker)
                    return []

I run rasa with pycharm. Can you tell me the result of debug mode briefly? And how can i run action server?

I started to use rasa recently so please understand :joy: Thanks

How do you run your bot in pycharm? Do you use rasa/rasa/ as script path? If so you can simply add --debug to the parameters to run Rasa in debug mode. Take a look at the Command Line Interface for all available options.

In order to run the knowledge base action you have to start an action server, see Rasa SDK. The knowledge base action is a custom action, Rasa cannot execute it unless you start the action server.

The action itself looks fine. Seems like you did not anything from the default action. Is that correct?

You can also take a look at the example: rasa/examples/knowledgebasebot at master · RasaHQ/rasa · GitHub We also list the commands there, which are necessary to run the bot. Can you give it a try and let me know if that worked for you? Thanks.

I run rasa using rasa nlu and rasa core seperately . I knew my way was old version.

I saw rasa tutorial and trying to run rasa with terminal. But rasa run action command returns this OSError: [Errno 98] error while attempting to bind on address ('', 5055): address already in use

I saw the above example and rasa-sdk/rasa_sdk/knowledge_base at master · RasaHQ/rasa-sdk · GitHub. I thought custom action needs def run part, so I defined my action like that(default).

Anyway I think I have to learn more about how to use rasa commands and action server first. And then use the knowledge base action. I really appreciate your comments.

If you are using Rasa > 1.x you should not run rasa nlu and core separately anymore. I would recommend to read to get familiar with the new commands.

I saw rasa tutorial and trying to run rasa with terminal. But rasa run action command returns this OSError: [Errno 98] error while attempting to bind on address ('', 5055): address already in use

The error tells you that there is already a server running on port 5055. What commands are you executing?

I thought custom action needs def run part, so I defined my action like that(default).

Yes, but your custom actions inherits from ActionQueryKnowledgeBase which already implements the run method. So, if you don’t want to modify it, you don’t have to define it in your custom action.

I solved all problems.

I used kill -9 command to use port 5055 and 5005. Also I can use knowledge base action now without any problem. Thank you