Using a single form with multiple slots vs using multiple forms

#Beginner Question I have a simple conversation flow/story (flow a), where I need to ask for user’s name, email and age. In another conversation flow/story (flow b), I just need user’s name (don’t ask for email and age). However if the person has been through flow a, I don’t want to ask name again in flow b and vice versa.

Should I use a single form or separate forms for different values. How does one decide on this? If user only goes through flow b and I use a single form, then the other two values will be null. Is that okay?

Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Forms will ask the user to fill slots that have not yet been filled.

You can even write code to customize what slots are being asked about in a form. Please see Dynamic Form Behavior.

Thanks a lot @ChrisRahme . So just to confirm - I should go for a single form right with 3 slots. Even if in one of the stories, I only need one slot to be filled ( and other two empty)

Well, if the form is activated, it will ask for the three slots until they’re all filled.

You can have two forms, one asking for 3 slots and one asking for 1 only.

Can you share same slot in multiple forms?
