I am creating an assistant bot and have made 3 forms so far, each form has specific slots, entities and slots. the use case is just to let user make 3 types of orders, while some of them have shared semantics. The problem I am having:
(Intent A) (Active Loop: Form A) … (happy path)
- bot: utter_ask_form_a_second_slot
- user: USD50 → backend detected “USD50” an example of Intent B → trigger Intent B, Deactivate Form A and Activate Form B (based on rules I set up)
So my question is, any way to suppressed the “intent” detection during an active loop, and just tell let the entity extraction work and fill the slot?
This is a project with very tight deadline and I hope there’s someone how can help… I already set up the right roles for the entity so USD50 was not filled in the slots in Form B.
Please help:(