Hi All,
Below are the steps to follow for getting welcome message from bot that uses rasa-webchat
Step 1
Create simple html file as mentioned below
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<div id="webchat" />
<script src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mrbot-cdn/webchat-latest.js"></script>
// Or you can replace latest with a specific version
selector: "#webchat",
initPayload: "/get_started",
customData: { "language": "en" },
socketUrl: "http://localhost:5005", //You rasa core url with cors access enabled.
socketPath: "/socket.io/",
title: "Title",
subtitle: "Subtitle",
params: { "storage": "session" }
and make sure that you put the correct socket url which is nothing but your rasa core server url. and also use this commmand rasa run --cors "*"
for starting your rasa server so you won’t get cors error.
Step 2 :
In rasa project go to credentials.yml file and put the following code snippet. i.e
Step 3 :
Inside your rasa project go to domain.yml file and create one intent named as get_started
and also the corresponding utter for welcome message i.e utter_welcome_message
Step 4 :
Go to your nlu.md file and put the intent i.e get_started
and some sample training data.
## intent:get_started
- start
- please start
Step 5 :
Go to your story.md file put the following story .
## welcome message
* get_started
- utter_welcome_message
Note : If you create your own intent with different name let’s support start
then you need to put that intent name in your webchat i.e
Step 6 : If you want your bot to have have new conversation state every time, means on every page refresh. Use below code where I have used function i.e sessionStorage.clear();
<div id="webchat" />
<script src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mrbot-cdn/webchat-latest.js"></script>
// Or you can replace latest with a specific version
selector: "#webchat",
initPayload: "/get_started",
customData: { "language": "en" }, // arbitrary custom data. Stay minimal as this will be
added to the socket
socketUrl: "http://localhost:5005",
socketPath: "/socket.io/",
title: "Title",
subtitle: "Subtitle",
params: { "storage": "session" } // can be set to "local" or "session". details in storage
Hope It helps