Unknown random dynamic entity extraction with know prefix any ideas?


I have following training data for intent search_on_web

check google for (Hollywood songs)[search_parameter]
check google for (hollywood movies)[search_parameter]
check google for (melody songs)[search_parameter]
check google for (latest movies)[search_parameter]
check google for (something bla )[search_parameter]
check google for (something bla bla bla)[search_parameter]

so my search_parameter is the required entity I want to extract it can be anything

but it comes just before prefix check google for, so is there any way to exact when it comes after check google for

so when user types check google for latest books by Aravind it should automatically extract entity as “latest books by Aravind” I can’t put it all possibilities in NLU training user can type anything,

all I want is to extract that comes after check google for and search it on something and provide results.

Hi @pvbhanuteja, if the prefix is fixed, you could build your own entity extractor that checks for the prefix check google for and takes whatever comes after that and stores that as the entity search_parameter. Check our documentation on how to write your own custom component. If you need come example code, you can take a look at rasa/mitie_entity_extractor.py at master · RasaHQ/rasa · GitHub. I don’t think you need to implement persist and load. Let me know if you have any further questions.