Hello everyone! I have a question about NLU. Is it able to work with dynamic data?
For example: I have a web interface where I am uploading some files. Those files have names which are set by the user.
So in my RASA bot I have a scenario of file choosing. E.g.
User: select file
Bot: Pls, select file from the list below (and then a set of button with file name [file_name_1, file_name_2, etc]).
User (doesn’t press the button, writes text): I want to choose file_name_1.
Bot: You chose file: file_name_1.
Is it possible to train RASA to extract this entity? Am I right that it is impossible, because i can’t train the model for random file name or maybe there are some workarounds? Because this case looks easy in “determined world”: I have a set of file names in previous message, so I try to find one of these names in current message.