Unable to use nlu APIs - When deployed the Rasa using helm

hello everyone, We’ve deployed the rasa 2.8 with its compatible rasaX using helm chart method, now the every major thing working fine like model training in rasa X and conversation with demo bot.

BUT getting html in response while calling model/parse or conversations/id/tracker API

How can we enable api using helm or any other possible solution tnx in advance☺️

As the docs show, include message_id in your request:


@ChrisRahme still receive the same html — and message_id is optional → same api working fine if deploy rasa in docker-compose

Can you show the full response?

Maybe even save it in a .html file and open it in a browser.

@ChrisRahme tnx for your time we have resolved the issue by exposing the api in nginx and route it on rasa production (same as in the case of webhooks/{channel}/webhook)