Hello, I have my file as below but am not able to pick information from the lookup table. I want to pick different names and locations.
When I train the model its not able to use the lookup tables am not aware what mistake I am making. Please advise.
Here is my rasa version:
Rasa Version : 2.8.1
Minimum Compatible Version: 2.8.0
Rasa SDK Version : 2.8.1
Rasa X Version : 0.39.3
Python Version : 3.7.5
Operating System : Darwin-19.6.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
Python Path : /opt/anaconda3/envs/rasaenv/bin/python
Hi, what does your file structure look like? Perhaps the lookup tables aren’t being picked up? The location.yml file needs to be in the same folder (can be in a sub-folder of this folder) as specified using --data. If you haven’t specified anything, the default location is data. For example:
Hi @fkoerner i have same yml file locations in my data. So, i want to know how to define lookup files and where to define (like in nlu/domain). and I am using 2.8.9 version of rasa.
@sdhaker2, you will need a RegexEntityExtractor in your pipeline, and also to define the entities in your domain (see here). You will need a file with the lookups, in the same directory as your nlu data. The format is described here
Thank you @fkoerner for replying. I had mentioned lookup examples(like recipe name, ingredient) in nlu but didn’t mention
lookup files because i dont where to mention those. So, please guide me where can i add lookup files.
@fkoerner okay I will try with RegexEntityExtractor, btw currently I am using RegexFeaturizer. And yes I have already mentioned all entities in domain.
hey, @atwine where did you add those lookup files in code? I have looked at your nlu file but there you didn’t mention lookup files. I just wanna know how to mention lookup files in the code part. I already store those files under “data/lookups/name.yml”. It will be very helpful if you share a snapshot of your code where you mention lookup files.
@sdhaker2, you don’t need to specifically point to the lookups file anywhere. As long as it is in the same location as the rest of your nlu data, and it has the proper format, it should be recognized just like any other nlu data. If you’re stuck on this, please share how you’ve set up your file structure. @atwine has a good example of how the format should look (the key is lookup)