Unable to get response of RASA chatbot from my website

I created sample RASA chatbot and tested locally on local host it is working,

here is my credential file at time when I was running on localhost

I am attaching credentials.yml file with name credential_old.yml

Than I purchased domain and hosting for my website from wix.com and I deployed rasa chatbot to digital ocean cloud.

in the cloud we followed below steps:

  1. Droplet Setup
  2. Environment Configuration and Installation For RASA
  3. Train the Model:
  4. Run RASA with rasa run -m models --enable-api --cors “*”
  5. Added IP to DNS server
  6. Enabled nginx service on cloud

Code added to frontend as script

  1. Attached new credential file with socket enabled with named credential_new.yml

After this when I say hi to the bot I am not getting any reponse I need help in that.

credentials_old.yml (963 Bytes) credentials_old.yml (959 Bytes)