I’m encountering an issue with the two-stage fallback policy. Slots are getting reset during the native action “action_revert_fallback_events” causing entities to be lost during the dialogue. We found some workarounds on the forums, however, they require a code change in the rasa core sdk library.
Is there a workaround that would not require modification of the rasa core code?
Chat History
# Bot You
1 action_listen
2 approve
intent: restart_vacation_request 0.20
3 action_default_ask_affirmation 1.00
Sorry I do not understand that, could you rephrase?
action_listen 1.00
4 /approve_vacation_request{"requester": "John Doe", "range": "06/12/2019 - 06/12/2019", "person": "Jane Doe", "comment":""}
intent: approve_vacation_request 1.00
5 slot{"comment": ""}
slot{"person": ["John Doe"]}
slot{"range": "06/12/2019 - 06/12/2019"}
slot{"requester": "Jane Doe"}
action_revert_fallback_events 1.00
6 /approve_vacation_request{"requester": "Jane Doe", "range": "06/12/2019 - 06/12/2019", "person": "John Doe", "comment":""}
intent: approve_vacation_request 1.00
7 utter_confirm_approve 0.99
Do you want to approve vacation for None? **<-- being set to None because slots were cleared during action_revert_fallback_events**
1: Approve
2: Reject