Training Error Feature not found

Hello!! I am trying train my bot and the training is happening but I am getting errors like " - Feature ‘intent_location’ could not be found in feature map." Can some one please explain the error?

Hi @Rahuja23,

Welcome to Rasa Community!.

Have you declared location in domain.yml under intents:?

Hi Murali No I have declared location as a slot of type text. Do I have to mention it under intents as well?

If you have created a ##intent:location in your and called in, Then you have to declare in the domain.yml under intents:

Hey my headings under intent in domain.yml is same as the intents defined in !! Is there any place a less public where I can share my code with you?

You can share it here, Upload your domain.yml,,, I will take a look in it.

Hey Murali I was able to solve the issue but now I am facing a new problem. I am posting my code here kindly take a look at it. (3.0 KB) domain.yml (1.4 KB) [quote=“Rahuja23, post:1, topic:30715, full:true”] Hello!! I am trying train my bot and the training is happening but I am getting errors like " - Feature ‘intent_location’ could not be found in feature map." Can some one please explain the error? [/quote]

Problem:- every time I am running my bot and asking for open job positions it says None positions are available. I think there is some issue in but I am not able to resolve it.

I would really appreciate your help. :slight_smile:

are you getting None printed on the dispatcher or did you get message on the dispatcher There are no open positions

There are no open positions. but I am getting this every time.:weary:

Is any an entity, what input are you feeding to your bot?

I have chosen role_type to be a categorical slot and any is one the categories. What do you mean by what are you feeding your bot?

How do you start answering your bot, can you share an example?.

Run your actions server along with your shell in separate command line

rasa run actions --debug

Your custom action will be called and start to work.

I saw your header file, May I know what rasa version are using?.

Did you do rasa Init when you created project.

Rasa 1.10.3 and yes I did rasa Init

Your action server is not communicating with the registered actions in your domain.yml

Do you have rasa_sdk?, If not please install rasa_sdk and change your import statements in your to


Murali I was able to resolve that issue but now my check_status action is not working. I am attaching my file, file and a screenshot of what is happening. Kindly take a look and guide me (3.3 KB) (1.8 KB)

@Rahuja23, It looks like the name is not in, so its going out of context triggering fallback or continuing different story path apart from the one original story.

Have you used rasa interactive?, which is really a great feature to generate stories, you can actually visualize and follow what bot actually deciding next and you can write actions along the way and export it at the end. Please use it will be really helpful. Simultaneously run actions server along with it.