Exception: Not all required importable packages are installed. To use this pipeline, you need to install the missing dependencies. Please install the package(s) that contain the module(s): tensorflow_text
I am also getting this error. Apparently tensorflow_text package is not available for windows OS. It looks like this package is required for EntitySynonymMapper. Does this mean that we can’t use synonym functionality of nlu, if we are on windows OS? I don’t see any other alternative to EntitySynonymMapper in components section of rasa documentation.
Sorry, it was not synonym mapper that requires tensorflow_text package. It is either ConveRTTokenizer
or ConveRTFeaturizer, when I removed them from my pipeline and replaced them with WhitespaceTokenizer, and RegexFeaturizer it goes thru!
However, rasa recommends ConverRT for english language! But these can’t be used in windows OS!