When the command conda install tenserflow was typed in this error showed up
PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:
Also when i typed pip install tenserflow this error showed up
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tenserflow (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for tenserflow
@SyedBilalHasan hey, when you create the conda based python environment and install rasa and rasa-sdk version. Tensorflow will be take care by them. Or if you exclusively want to install tensorflow then the above suggestion is just fine.
@SyedBilalHasan yes, at the time when you install you can see all the install packages while installing or using command pip list. if you create the conda python environment then just use pip install not using conda install.
@SyedBilalHasan Do create the separate python 3.8 environment and check by userself?
Hey Buddy I am fine , hope your fine too I had forgotten to close this thread with the solution for others and thanks for your help my problem is solved