getting new error - i want my slot values to reset to None once i compelte the story
How should I do this? Do you have any idea?
for exmple:
i have provided all the form values and called API and completed my execution. Now when I am trying to do the action again it is taking previous slot values instead the bot asking form values again.
def submit(
dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,
tracker: Tracker,
domain: Dict[Text, Any],
) -> List[Dict]:
"""Define what the form has to do
after all required slots are filled"""
##After all operations are done
return [
SlotSet("ticket_number ", None),
SlotSet("resolution_code ", None),
SlotSet("resolution_description", None)
**Your input** -> hi
? Hey! I am bot , How can I help you? 1: Close Tickets (/inform_close_ticket_query)
Please provide Ticket number
**Your input** -> INC14564
Please provide Resolution code
**Your input** -> RC4
Please provide Resolution description
**Your input** -> Please proceed with ticket closing i have updated the fields
Please confirm the details
-Ticket number : INC14564
-Resolution Code : RC4
-Resolution Description : Please proceed with ticket closing i have updated the fields
-press yes to confirm else no to change the details
**Your input** -> yes
I have successfully closed the ticket :INC14564
**Your input** -> hi
? Hey! I am bot , How can I help you? 1: Close Tickets (/inform_close_ticket_query)
Please confirm the details
-Ticket number : INC14564
-Resolution Code : RC4
-Resolution Description : /inform_close_ticket_query
-press yes to confirm else no to change the details
indent preformatted text by 4 spaces