Stuck at activating RASA PRO LICENSE

Hi, I’ve encountered this problem when trying to activate RASA with the license, I did followed the instruction provided by RASA on how to activate it with license, but it still couldn’t work for me. Does anyone have anyidea?

Failed to validate Rasa Pro license which was read from environmental variable RASA_PRO_LICENSE. Please ensure RASA_PRO_LICENSE is set to a valid license string.

The best instructions for setting the RASA_PRO_LICENSE environment variable are at .

A couple of things could be happening here:

  • You could have an older license that is expired; when did you get it?
  • Are you using the correct set command for your environment? (Linux, Mac, Windows, …)
  • More on JSON Web Tokens at

Hi,I got the key from 1 day before i used it, and yes I did tried to follow the guide that RASA provided, but I stuck at the activating there, I pasted the codes into my powershell, it didnt reply with anything, then I tried to run the ‘rasa init’ at my anaconda prompt, then it shows no license found

I used this code (i replaced the to <…> the license string given in mail): [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable(‘RASA_PRO_LICENSE’,‘’,‘USER’)

Hi @V-S3V3N

  • Try setting it manually by searching Edit the system environment variables in Start menu and click Environment Variables to add your RASA_PRO_LICENSE key in the System variables.
  • Or try using temporarily: $env:RASA_PRO_LICENSE = 'your_key'
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