when I run ‘rasa data validate’, I got this:
2023-07-03 07:40:50 WARNING rasa.validator - Story structure conflict after action 'sport_form':
action_listen predicted in 'interactive_story_2'
action_submit_form predicted in 'interactive_story_1'
2023-07-03 07:40:50 WARNING rasa.validator - Story structure conflict after action 'sport_form':
action_listen predicted in 'interactive_story_1'
action_submit_form predicted in 'interactive_story_1'
2023-07-03 07:40:50 WARNING rasa.validator - Story structure conflict after action 'food_form':
action_listen predicted in 'interactive_story_1'
action_submit_form predicted in 'interactive_story_1'
However, I’ve delected the interactive_story_2 in the stories.yaml file. I don’t know why I have this warning. But I want to fix this cause this confliction interupt my conversation.