yeah that’s what i am doing now . But my question is if i am using SVM for intent classification how can that change over different python version … rasa has some seriously strange issues
you are using sklearn which ultimately depends on python, python is an interpretable language meaning it relies for kernel operations on a C compiler(if i am not mistaken), so i guess between versions, there are some underlying APIs, that can have an impact. Best is to try the rule of elimination.
But should it force misclassification ? i mean it can throw errors of some kind or error flagging version mismatch or something . Doesn’t this sound a bit ridiculous
I would suggest to make the version aligned between your servers and local first and then try to investigate the model performance discrepancy.
preferably use docker to ensure version consistency
So i did an exact replica of dependencies including python build of server on my local . Issue persists , local model works perfectly but server model fails horrendously … any idea why is this happening ? Now each and every depency is identical , i checked it thoroughly .
Imagine model A being trained on server and model B trained on local both with identical data , config files and also the dependencies . Model A gives numerous wrong prediction for a set of inputs X but for the very input set X local model gives excellent predictions . When we found out this issue we tried training the model on our local and tried porting it to the server , this resulted in a failure too as the model trained on local can’t be run on server and vice versa.