We create a chatbot with rasa last August. We have a problem with last releases / updates of Rasa.
In my file action.py, We created differents slot but when we restarted my bot this month, the setting slot dosn’t work anymore.
Thanks for your answer In the conversation, le bot has to get entities like : name_room, day, hour_start, duration. and return at the end “You want to book the {} room is booked on {} at {} for {}. Is it correct ?” (with filled blanks). But with the last version of rasa, it looks like get_slot doesn’t work anymore.
We have :
Here is our code action.py
from future import absolute_import
from future import division
from future import unicode_literals
from rasa_core_sdk import Action
from rasa_core_sdk.events import SlotSet
from booking import make_a_booking
import mysql.connector
class ActionRoom(Action):
def name(self):
return 'action_room'
def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
name_room = tracker.get_slot('name_room')
day = tracker.get_slot('day')
hour_start = tracker.get_slot('hour_start')
duration = tracker.get_slot('duration')
booking_answer = make_a_booking(name_room, day, hour_start, duration)
if booking_answer:
booking_answer = 'The reservation has been made'
booking_answer = 'The room is taken at this hour'
response = """You want to book the {} room is booked on {} at {} for {}. Is it correct ?""".format(name_room, day, hour_start, duration)
name_room = str(name_room)
day = str(day)
hour_start = str(hour_start)
duration = str(duration)
#SQL queries#
cnx = mysql.connector.connect(host='***', password='***', user="***", database="***")
dispatch = dispatcher.utter_message(response)
dispatch = dispatcher.utter_message(str(booking_answer))
return dispatch