Slack button does not work


I use the latest version of rasa and rasa core. Unfortunately, the slack button does not work for me (does not return bot response)! Any help please!!!


Which version of Rasa is this? And how have you defined the button for slack?

Thanks a lot @akelad. It works fine for me :slight_smile: I forget to add the url link in the slack interactive components


I have deploy application on slack and button appears. But when I click on button nothing happened.

I am using git clone rasa on my local machine.

I am using ngrok for slack integration.

this is my domain file.

templates: utter_greet:

  • text: “Welcome to pricing bot.Which product’s price you are looking” buttons: - title: “Iphone” payload: /blue - title: “Samsung” payload: /red

Could you please suggest ?

Hello Asma,

Could you please suggest how your button got worked. In my case button got appear on the slack but when i click on it then nothing happened.

Here is my domain.yml

templates: utter_greet:

  • text: “Welcome to pricing bot.Which product’s price you are looking” buttons: - title: “Iphone” payload: /blue - title: “Samsung” payload: /red

I am using rasa git clone this version

and I am using Rasa 1.6.0a1 version

Hello @ajaynagda,

If all work good. You have to activate the interactive components in the slack features and to set the request URL.