Single line story is not performing good

Why Rasa is not performing good on single line stories ?? Policy.yml

  - name: EmbeddingPolicy
    epochs: 2000
    attn_shift_range: 5
  - name: FormPolicy
## story 01
    - utter_agent.acquaintance
## story 02
    - utter_agent.age
## story 03
    - utter_agent.annoying
## story 04
    - utter_agent.answer_my_question

## story 05
    - utter_agent.bad
## story 06
    - utter_agent.be_clever
## story 07
    - utter_agent.beautiful
## story 08
    - utter_agent.birth_date
## story 09
    - utter_agent.boring
## story 10
    - utter_agent.boss
## story 11
    - utter_agent.busy
## story 12
    - utter_agent.can_you_help

## story 13
    - utter_agent.chatbot
## story 14
    - utter_agent.clever
## story 15
    - utter_agent.crazy
## story 16
    - utter_agent.fired
## story 17
    - utter_agent.funny
## story 18
    - utter_agent.good
## story 19
    - utter_agent.happy
## story 20
    - utter_agent.hobby
## story 21
    - utter_agent.hungry
## story 22
    - utter_agent.marry_user
## story 23
    - utter_agent.my_friend
## story 24
    - utter_agent.occupation
## story 25
    - utter_agent.origin
## story 26
    - utter_agent.ready
## story 27
    - utter_agent.real
## story 28
    - utter_agent.residence
## story 29
    - utter_agent.right
## story 30
    - utter_agent.sure

## story 31
    - utter_agent.talk_to_me

## story 32
    - utter_agent.there
## story 33
    - utter_appraisal.bad
## story 34
    - utter_appraisal.good
## story 35
    - utter_appraisal.no_problem
## story 36
    - utter_appraisal.thank_you
## story 37
    - utter_appraisal.welcome

## story 38
    - utter_appraisal.well_done
## story 39
    - utter_dialog.hold_on

## story 40
    - utter_dialog.hug
## story 41
    - utter_dialog.i_do_not_care
## story 42
    - utter_dialog.sorry
## story 43
    - utter_dialog.what_do_you_mean
## story 44
    - utter_dialog.wrong
## story 45
    - utter_emotions.ha_ha
## story 46
## story 47
    - utter_greetings.bye
## story 48
    - utter_greetings.goodevening
## story 49
    - utter_greetings.goodmorning
## story 50
    - utter_greetings.goodnight
## story 51
    - utter_greetings.hello
## story 52
    - utter_greetings.how_are_you
## story 53
    - utter_greetings.nice_to_meet_you
## story 54
    - utter_greetings.nice_to_see_you
## story 55
    - utter_greetings.nice_to_talk_to_you
## story 56
    - utter_greetings.whatsup

## story 57
    - utter_user.angry
## story 58
    - utter_user.back
## story 59
    - utter_user.bored
## story 60
    - utter_user.busy
## story 61
    - utter_user.can_not_sleep
## story 62
    - utter_user.does_not_want_to_talk
## story 63
    - utter_user.excited
## story 64
    - utter_user.going_to_bed
## story 65
    - utter_user.good
## story 66
    - utter_user.happy
## story 67
    - utter_user.has_birthday
## story 68
## story 69
    - utter_user.joking
## story 70
    - utter_user.likes_agent
## story 71
    - utter_user.lonely
## story 72
    - utter_user.looks_like
## story 73
    - utter_user.loves_agent

## story 74
    - utter_user.misses_agent
## story 75
* user.needs_advice
    - utter_user.needs_advice

## story 76
    - utter_user.sad

## story 77
    - utter_user.sleepy

## story 78
    - utter_user.testing_agent

## story 79
    - utter_user.tired
## story 80

## story 81
    - utter_user.wants_to_see_agent_again

## story 82
    - utter_user.wants_to_talk
## story 83
    - utter_user.will_be_back
## story 84
    - utter_confirmation.yes

## story 85
    - utter_confirmation.cancel

## story 86


What do you mean by is not performing good?

I am facing a similar issue. Rasa isn’t able to predict the action for the intent present in single line story and invokes the TwoStageFallbackPolicy. Policies in my config.yml is as follows:

  • name: MemoizationPolicy max_history: 3

  • name: KerasPolicy featurizer:

    • name: MaxHistoryTrackerFeaturizer

      max_history: 3


      • name: BinarySingleStateFeaturizer
  • name: MappingPolicy

  • name: FormPolicy

  • name: TwoStageFallbackPolicy

    nlu_threshold: 0.65

    core_threshold: 0.35

    fallback_nlu_action_name: “action_default_fallback”

    fallback_core_action_name: “action_default_ask_affirmation”

    deny_suggestion_intent_name: “out_of_scope”

My log looks like this:

 rasa.core.policies.memoization  - There is no memorised next action
 rasa.core.policies.mapping_policy  - There is no mapped action for the predicted intent, 'ask_flush_slots'.
 rasa.core.policies.form_policy  - There is no active form
 rasa.core.policies.ensemble  - Predicted next action using policy_4_TwoStageFallbackPolicy
 rasa.core.processor  - Predicted next action 'action_listen' with confidence 1.00.
 rasa.core.processor  - Action 'action_listen' ended with events '[]'
 rasa.core.agent  - Deleted lock for conversation 'T0NyStArk' (unused)

What may be causing such an issue? Any idea anyone? Should I fiddle with augmentation_factor during training?

could be low nlu confidence

@Ghostvv Can you explain a bit more on this?? Is the nlu confidence threshold mentioned somewhere in domain.yml ?

the confidence of your nlu intent classification is below nlu_threshold: 0.65 that you set in the config

@Ghostvv Hi… I am facing similar issue. All my stories have single intent. The NLU and Core thresholds are 0.3 each. What can i do here? I have even tried augmentation factor from 20 to 100 but to no avail.