Anyone can help me to setup botfront(GitHub - botfront/botfront: A powerful Rasa UI to build advanced AI assistants.) without docker?
I have never worked with botfront before, but if you’re working locally the documentation suggests that you can just run it via npm.
npm install -g botfront
That suggests you should be able to run it on a server as well as locally on your laptop, without needing to use docker.
Hi Vicent,
Thanks for your reply. I did this but this will also start docker once after you run command botfront run.
Can you please tell me how I setup locally without using docker.
Is there a reason you cannot use docker? If the folks who made botfront decided that this is the best way to run it then it might be good to give it a go.
Hmm basically I want to run each node independently something like microservice architecture.
Anyways can you help me one thing. How I built RASA from the source code. (GitHub - RasaHQ/rasa: 💬 Open source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-based conversations: NLU, dialogue management, connect to Slack, Facebook, and more - Create chatbots and voice assistants). And create a project.
I want to do this too, but it’s difficult,are you have solved it