Setting a slot. Another possibility?


return [SlotSet(“sgcontract”, sgcontract)] wont work for me even though I can check that sgcontract actually has a value. Why could this be?

Is there another way of setting slots, because this one is not really working.

What I am basically trying to do is: I am getting some data out of mySQL database. I want to fill this data into some slots for the bot to use at a later time.

Thanks in advance,


Can you post your stories and full custom action?

Story associated with the custom action:
    * greet
        - action_noname
    * mood_great
        - utter_happy
    * retrieve_infos
        - action_calldatabase     
    * afirm 
        - utter_upgradeconfirm

Custom Action:

    def read(client,dispatcher, tracker):
        PhoneNumber = ""
        Name = ""
        contract = ""
        end_date = ""
	    datausage = ""
        callusage = ""
        smsusage = ""
        sgupgrade = ""
        sgcontract = ""
        sgcontractinfo = ""
	    db = pymysql.connect( host = '', port = 3306, user = 'root', passwd = 'XXXXXX', db = 'XXXXXXX')
    	cursor = db.cursor()
    	sql = "SELECT * FROM clients WHERE PhoneNumber = %s"
        ph = tracker.get_slot('PhoneNumber') 
        	cursor.execute(sql, (ph,))
        	results = cursor.fetchall()
        	for row in results:
            		PhoneNumber = row[0]
            		Name = row[1]
            		contract = row[2]
            		end_date = row[3]
			        sgupgrade = row[4]
			        sgcontract = row[5]
			        sgcontractinfo = row[6]
			        datausage = row[7]
			        callusage = row[8]
			        smsusage = row[9]
        	print("Error fetching data.")
		  print(cursor.execute(sql, (ph,)))
		  dispatcher.utter_template("utter_databasecall", tracker, PhoneNumber= PhoneNumber, Name = Name, contract= contract, date= end_date)
		  dispatcher.utter_template("utter_upsale", tracker, Name = Name, contract= contract, date= end_date, sgupgrade = sgupgrade, sgcontract = sgcontract)	
		  result = [SlotSet("PhoneNumber", PhoneNumber ), SlotSet("Name", Name ), SlotSet("contract", contract ), SlotSet("end_date", end_date ), SlotSet("datausage", datausage ), SlotSet("callusage", callusage ), SlotSet("smsusage", smsusage ), SlotSet("sgupgrade", sgupgrade ), SlotSet("sgcontract", sgcontract ), SlotSet("sgcontractinfo", sgcontractinfo )]
	    return result

This should be in the run() method of your custom action

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