Responses are never shown on the Rasa widget chatwindow.
A. Server log shows that the user message (“hi”) is received from the webchat and a response is generated as shown in terminal:
2023-11-22 12:23:10 DEBUG rasa.engine.runner.dask - Running graph with inputs: {'__message__': [< object at 0x000001E9C2272FE0>], '__tracker__': <rasa.shared.core.trackers.DialogueStateTracker object at 0x000001E9C22732E0>}, targets: ['run_RegexMessageHandler'] and ExecutionContext(model_id='462b77cd6f524726858f9b04c961bcb2', should_add_diagnostic_data=False, is_finetuning=False, node_name=None).
2023-11-22 12:23:11 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - [debug ] processor.actions.log action_name=utter_greet rasa_events=[BotUttered('Hey! How are you?', {"elements": null, "quick_replies": null, "buttons": null, "attachment": null, "image": null, "custom": null}, {"utter_action": "utter_greet"}, 1700644991.7104983)]
But even though the webchat widget registers the input message, the response is not printed. I’m not sure if the window for the socket closes before the response from the server could be captured or if something else is going on.
B. I’ve recreated this issue on the most basic setup I can try via:
- Opening an empty directory in vscode named ‘rasa’
- running pip install rasa
- running rasa init (accepting current directory as initialisation path and accepting model training)
- creating an index.html file with the widget script called
the html script is simply:
<div id="rasa-chat-widget" data-websocket-url="http://localhost:5005"></div>
<script src="" type="application/javascript"></script>
C. for versioning, my rasa --version outputs:
Rasa Version : 3.6.14
Minimum Compatible Version: 3.5.0
Rasa SDK Version : 3.6.2
Python Version : 3.10.11
Operating System : Windows-10-10.0.22621-SP0
The “main players” of my libraries in terms of SIO EIO and Sanic are versioned as:
I could provide a full list of libraries and their versions, but that’s 156 lines long and again was purely generated as a result of running pip install rasa
D. I edited none of the defaul init files with the exception of credentials.yml
to define socketio
user_message_evt: user_uttered
bot_message_evt: bot_uttered
session_persistence: true
E. I ran the rasa server using the command:
rasa run --cors "*" --debug
I can note that the network handshake for a websocket is successful and I get my 101 message appropriately, and I can see the responses in the websocket for every “user_uttered” sent up to the socket, but never anything recieved down (it continuously probes for and up or down without sending or receiving anything, assuming i just leave it there after my message).
Should I be downgrading some versions to something in particular? Is there any known configuration for library versions deemed fully functioning across systems for my python version?