Run Rasa X using public Docker image?

Hi @erohmensing, thanks for your response. The TensorFlow/Py3.7 incompatibility dates back to Oct 18 (see related Q here). Looking again now at the TensorFlow installation instructions, it doesn’t explicitly mention 3.7 incompatibility. So it may have been resolved - my problem above might not be that.

As for your error, the issue lies in that you’re trying to run the rasa x command without having rasa x installed ( rasa is a requirement for rasa x , but not the other way around)

Yes, I assumed that was the case - i.e. the pre-built docker image doesn’t include Rasa X. I was asking if there was an image that included both.

Have you looked into the quick installation ? This should pull the latest stable and serve rasa X.

Hadn’t spotted that, will take a look- thanks.