Retrieval intent chitchat

Hi @wvalverde67. I tried to replicate the error and here are the things you should fix:

  1. In your config.yml file there is a typo when defining the retrieval intent. It says “chichat” while it should be “chitchat”. This should make your retrieval intent working properly.

  2. (Not related to retrieval intents, but will likely cause you some errors too) In your config.yml you need to include an EntityExtractor component before your EntitySynonymMapper component. For example, you can include the following config:

  - name: CRFEntityExtractor
  - name: EntitySynonymMapper
  1. (Also not related to retrieval intent) The actions section in your domain.yml is not really necessary. action_session_start is an in-built rasa action and you have your form defined in the forms section so there is no point in including the promesa_pago_form as a custom action. In addition to that, utter_chitchat doesn’t have to be included as an action since you have the responses defined for the retrieval actions.

Try implementing these changes and let us know if it fixes your problem.

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