RegexEntityExtractor Slot filling not working in Rasa 3.x

Hi there.

In order to extract entities from a regex I included the RegexEntityExtractor into the config after the DIETClassifier. In my NLU I got the following:

- regex: username
  examples: |
    - \b[a-z]*\b

- intent: my_name_is
  examples: |
    - My name is [a-z]*(username)
    - I am [a-z]*(username)

However, this does not work at all! What am I doing wrong? Read to several examples, read the doc, checked the forum but cannot get this to run.

Any help appreciated. Thanks and take care.

Your intent examples shouldn’t be in regex form. As shown on the docs page and the syntax is incorrect for the entity specification:

- intent: my_name_is
  examples: |
    - My name is [joeuser](username)
    - I am [superuser](username)