RasaX running Error: Make sure to start Rasa X with valid data and valid domain and config files

I am trying to run command rasa x after install it. And I got this error:

This is my rasa version: Please help me to solve this error. Thanks so much!

@baodv1001 its a local machine or server?

@baodv1001 are you able to run rasa shell command and talk to bot?

@baodv1001 delete events.db and rasa.db from the project folder and re-run rasa x (if its on local machine only)

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Hi, thanks for your reply! I use rasa x in my local machine. I just ran rasa shell and bot worked like this:

After I deleted events.db and rasa.db and rerun rasa x, file rasa.db auto-create and new error showed:

@baodv1001 can you share with me pip list for sqlalchhemy version for my reference, please.

@nik202 image This is my SQLAlchemy version

@baodv1001 I guess you need to update or downgrade the SQLAlchemy, note the above version as a reference, and try to install this version pip install sqlalchemy==1.3.22. (I still guess it will not work but give it a try)

@baodv1001 I’d highly recommend saving the pip freeze > requirements.txt file for your reference for the current environment as the above command can disturb a few packages and raised the dependencies issue/compatibility.

@baodv1001 I hope you are aware that Rasa X 1.0.1 is meant for server-side installation only, I am amazed that you were able to install Rasa X 1.0.1 on a local machine, but I’m afraid it will not run. If you need an alternate solution for installing rasa x on a local machine do let me know.

Good Luck!

@nik202 Thanks for you reply, let me know how to install rasa X on local machine and which version for local machine.

@baodv1001 I have an only available solution for running Rasa X on a local machine, please ref: Rasa X runs with several Errors & Warnings - #2 by nik202

If you have any doubts do let me.