RasaX enterprise have any additional http endpoints to support ongoing maintenance

Does RasaX enterprise have any additional http endpoints to support ongoing support/maintenance like adding/modifying actions

Hi @cyrilthank, as mentioned on github, actions are separate from rasa x (you run them in a separate container or on a separate server and they are not modifiable via the UI), so Rasa X does not have endpoints for this.

Thank you for your response

I am sorry i gave the endpoints for actions only as an analogy/example

The question remains, does Rasa X enterprise have any endpoints not mentioned in https://rasa.com/docs/rasa-x/api/rasa-x-http-api

and where can i find the additional features offered in enterprise/paid options

I did reach out to sales too and awaiting their response too on this.

Thank you


Hi @cyrilthank, Rasa X EE does have other endpoints for enterprise features, for example with role based access control, there are endpoints to assign roles to users, create roles, etc. However with respect to endpoints to use your model, update the templates, etc. I believe they are the same.