Rasa-X worker not able to find the model

Error in rasa-x docker compose after changing the rasa-x to https

I can find the trained model in rasa-x and setted it as active model

I have attached the docker logs for rasa worker

getting Model server returned 204 status code, indicating that no new model is available.

I have also check the model in the rasax container also it is present in it image

@nik202 pls do help me with this brother

@janaesh sure, please share me the rasa open source and rasa x version and installation method

@janaesh how you secure the https ? Do you have the DNS?

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@nik202 I have configured the DNS and SSL certificates have been generated using letsenscript for free and it does works fine with no issues.

@nik202 image

@nik202 And I am following the docker-compose installation method

@janaesh share endpoints.yml please and docker-compose.override.yml

@nik202 PLs find the files attached

endpoints.yml (781 Bytes)

docker-compose.override.yml (997 Bytes)

docker-compose.yml (5.5 KB)

@nik202 The rasa-x will be running on port domainname:441 port

@nik202 I dont have your email can you share it pls?