Rasa x on pypi.rasa can't be installed - special situation -

My problem
I’v got an installation problem with rasa-x, due to the location in Package Index.
Because of that, I’v got problems when getting versions later than may 2019.

Origin of problem
To minimalise risk, my organisation regulary makes a copy from pypi.org.
Because of that, it only finds rasa-x on pypi.org, i.e. version not later than may 2019.

Our copy-script can’t find the latest versions, i.e. those that are being hosted on rasa.com.

My work around isn’t working anymore
Up till now, I had a dedicated server to install rasa x on, so I had a work-around.
But security is a major issue in my organisation.
So things has been changed, and I can’t install rasa packages other than from our shadow pypi.


  1. Why does Rasa host the Rasa-x packages on rasa.com.
    Remark, that rasa community on the contrary indeed is being hosted on pypi.org.
    Although I suspect it to be a re-linking from pypi.rasa.com :smiley:

  2. Is it possible and off-course realistic :angel: , to make Rasa-x available on pypi.org, actually kind of same way as Rasa community / CLI?

:mailbox_with_no_mail: Anybody got a reply?