Rasa-x installation issue on macOS Catalina version

Python - Python 3.7.7 PIP - 20.1 Rasa - 1.9.7

I have installed Rasa and Rasa X on virtual environment but when i try to initiate Rasa X, I get below error -

(venv) ashish@Ashishs-MacBook-Pro Rasa_newsapi % rasa x
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/ashish/opt/anaconda3/bin/rasa", line 10, in <module>
  File "/Users/ashish/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rasa/__main__.py", line 91, in main
  File "/Users/ashish/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rasa/cli/x.py", line 326, in rasa_x
  File "/Users/ashish/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rasa/cli/x.py", line 414, in run_locally
    from rasax.community import local  # pytype: disable=import-error
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'rasax'

Also, There are lot of dependencies related issue I get when i try to install rasa_core, mostly version compatibility.

ERROR: tensorflow 2.1.0 has requirement wrapt>=1.11.1, but you'll have wrapt 1.10.11 which is incompatible.

ERROR: tensorflow-probability 0.9.0 has requirement cloudpickle>=1.2.2, but you'll have cloudpickle 0.6.1 which is incompatible.

ERROR: rasa 1.10.0 has requirement cloudpickle<1.4,>=1.2, but you'll have cloudpickle 0.6.1 which is incompatible.

ERROR: rasa 1.10.0 has requirement jsonschema<3.3,>=3.2, but you'll have jsonschema 2.6.0 which is incompatible.

ERROR: rasa 1.10.0 has requirement matplotlib<3.3,>=3.1, but you'll have matplotlib 2.2.5 which is incompatible.

ERROR: rasa 1.10.0 has requirement packaging<19.1,>=19.0, but you'll have packaging 18.0 which is incompatible.

ERROR: rasa 1.10.0 has requirement ruamel.yaml<0.17,>=0.16, but you'll have ruamel-yaml 0.15.100 which is incompatible.

ERROR: rasa 1.10.0 has requirement scikit-learn<0.23,>=0.22, but you'll have scikit-learn 0.20.4 which is incompatible.

ERROR: rasa-x 0.28.2 has requirement jsonschema<4.0,>=3.2, but you'll have jsonschema 2.6.0 which is incompatible.

ERROR: rasa-x 0.28.2 has requirement ruamel.yaml<0.17,>=0.16, but you'll have ruamel-yaml 0.15.100 which is incompatible.

Please help me with the correct versions for all the dependent module for my python 3.7.7

Hi @ashishkumar26, as specified the docs, the recommended way to install Rasa X on a mac is using multipass & the one-line deploy script. Give that a shot and see how it goes.

Hi @mloubser, Thank you for quick response. I tried many times but still no luck in downloading the image of Multipass. Is there any other way to setup Rasa X in local machine? If you have list of all the required dependencies and version, may be I can put it in requirement.txt and then install it or any other alternative?

launch failed: failed to download from ‘https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/server/releases/bionic/release-20200506/ubuntu-18.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.img’: Network timeout

Are you behind a corporate proxy by any chance?

No. I am using it on my person laptop at home.

have you tried installing multipass with brew i.e.

brew cask install multipass

Step#1: brew install multipass Step#2: multipass launch --name k3s --mem 4G --disk 50G Step#3: multipass shell k3s Step#4: curl -s get-rasa-x.rasa.com | sudo bash

I have used visual studio code terminal and followed exact steps mentioned on RASA one step deployment page

@surendra_koritala I tried to do just that and everyhting went well, until its time for the one-liner: curl -s get-rasa-x.rasa.com | sudo bash It would look as if it is working, then suddenly it would stop. No error, no log. What could I be doing wrong?


@wale a. Before trying to run rasa-x -> check if its running perfectly in terminal b. Check if kubernetes cluster is up and running. i had several issues with kubernetes cluster not running on my machine. I had to remove the cluster and create it again.