Rasa X does not display buttons


I have some problem trying to use buttons with Rasa X. When display a message which should come with buttons, Rasa X only display the message:

When i input any other message or intent, only then Rasa X display the buttons:

The browser which i use is Firefox. I would really appreciate any support in this matter. Thank you.

That’s two bugs! Because the buttons should disappear when the message is no longer the most recent. It’s not one we’ve seen before though so I’ll have to look into it. Would you be comfortable using your browser’s developer tools to help me out a bit?

Yes, i will help with what i can. Although please be specific about the steps which i’ll need to take since i’m not an experience developer :smiley:

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If you inspect the elements of the page, are the buttons actually being rendered underneath the message but they’re not visible? Or are they not being rendered at all.

It doesn’t seem to me that the buttons are being rendered. Although i don’t know for sure, i click on every html line and nothing seems like a button to me. Can you say what exactly i have to look for ?

Hey @fuih, does this only happen when the buttons come from the TwoStageFallbackPolicy?

In my case, it indeed happened when the buttons come from the TwoStageFallbackPolicy. I will try to test a normal use case and get back to you.

Hey @erohmensing, the buttons appear normally when they are used in normal use case, and they dissappear when the message is no longer the most recent (as Sam said). Although i am not able to click on them (but i assume i’m not supposed to :smiley: ).

Cool we thanks for the confirmation! We will look into that. It’s probably because the two stage fallback reverts a bunch of actions and then re-applies things which might confuse how our front-end renders them.

Although i am not able to click on them (but i assume i’m not supposed to :smiley: ).

Not sure about that one, seems like you should be able to click them. @gausie?

I have a similar issue but for the Rasa X UI just crashes, whenever the TwoStageFallbackPolicy is getting active. Getting the ‘Something went wrong’-error. My only option is to delete the conversation.

The production UI just turns white and is inaccessible until I delete the browser history for Rasa X.

@IgNoRaNt23 do you run in google chrome? If so could you share what goes on in the Network tab of Right click > Inspect?

No, tested it in Firefox (68.0.1) and Opera (62.0.3331.99) on Ubuntu 18.04.2. Same for both. Once the bot goes into the TwoStageFallBack-action the UI is gone. I might try it with Chromium

So. thats the console output from chromium with the production UI turned white. I dont know what youre looking for, so tell me if you need anything else/more.

2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1 Invariant Violation: Minified React error #31; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=31&args[]=object%20with%20keys%20%7Btext%7D&args[]= for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at http://datasciencews01.mgm-edv.de:40001/static/js/2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1:1149151 at a (http://datasciencews01.mgm-edv.de:40001/static/js/2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1:1149254) at hi (http://datasciencews01.mgm-edv.de:40001/static/js/2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1:1196148) at A (http://datasciencews01.mgm-edv.de:40001/static/js/2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1:1197786) at p (http://datasciencews01.mgm-edv.de:40001/static/js/2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1:1198894) at http://datasciencews01.mgm-edv.de:40001/static/js/2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1:1200875 at Eo (http://datasciencews01.mgm-edv.de:40001/static/js/2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1:1207872) at To (http://datasciencews01.mgm-edv.de:40001/static/js/2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1:1216310) at Va (http://datasciencews01.mgm-edv.de:40001/static/js/2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1:1239793) at Ha (http://datasciencews01.mgm-edv.de:40001/static/js/2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1:1240177) Aa @ 2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1 2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1 TypeError: Cannot read property 'status' of undefined at main.b52c116f.chunk.js:1 at u (2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1) at Generator._invoke (2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1) at Generator.e.<computed> [as next] (2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1) at d (2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1) at l (2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1) at T.<computed> (2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1) at 2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1 at p (2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1) at d (2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1) m @ 2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1 2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1 The above error occurred in task N created by takeEvery(FETCH CONVERSATION, N) created by m created by takeLatest(persist/REHYDRATE,FETCH ENTERPRISE TOKEN SUCCESS,FETCH TEMPORARY ACCESS TOKEN SUCCESS,LOGIN SUCCESS, m) created by n Tasks cancelled due to error: takeEvery(FETCH CONVERSATION, N) takeLatest(persist/REHYDRATE,FETCH ENTERPRISE TOKEN SUCCESS,FETCH TEMPORARY ACCESS TOKEN SUCCESS,LOGIN SUCCESS, m) m @ 2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js:1 DevTools failed to parse SourceMap: http://datasciencews01.mgm-edv.de:40001/static/js/2.9ccc7cc8.chunk.js.map DevTools failed to parse SourceMap: http://datasciencews01.mgm-edv.de:40001/static/js/main.b52c116f.chunk.js.map DevTools failed to parse SourceMap: http://datasciencews01.mgm-edv.de:40001/static/css/2.493b8cd8.chunk.css.map

So, anything new? Able to reproduce the behaviour?

Is there a way to report an issue with Rasa X like for Rasa on Github?

i’m currently on Rasa X 0.20.0 and the problem still exists. Btw, do you know how to install an older version of Rasa X ? The website only shows the command to install newest version.

Same as usual with pip, for example to install version 0.19.4

pip install rasa-x==0.19.4 --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com/simple

thats btw the Rasa X version im running, guess that’s important

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@IgNoRaNt23 you can report rasa X bugs in the rasa repository :slight_smile: