Rasa X: Correcting actions triggers "action_session_start" in the middle of conversation

I am having trouble building stories using Rasa X. Rasa X is incorrectly predicting action_default_fallback, and when I try to correct the action, action_session_start is automatically called. It seems to start a new conversation which is inconsistent with my understanding of action_session_start that it should be called only at the beginning of conversations or after periods of inactivity. Furthermore, action_listen is also added automatically, but since it does not appear in the right-hand story I think this may be insignificant.

Obviously it would be better if action_default_fallback were not predicted at all, but perhaps these issues are related.

I attached 3 screenshots. The first is when action_default_fallback is incorrectly predicted. The second is after I click on “Correct action.” The third is after I submitted the correct action.

Hi @alexyuwen,

Thanks for your post. I think that you are right and this is not the correct behaviour. As far as I can tell this will still work as expected most of the time, i.e. correcting an action will give the correct test story, however there could be issues with slots being reset depending on the session config. And of course it looks strange in the UI. It would be great if you could open a bug issue in our repo!

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