Rasa webchat 1.0.1 with react 17.0.2

Looking at many past issues, not finding anything for past few years though. Are people no longer using rasa webchat?

I have the following: rasa 3.6.20 (pip installed on python env) rasa-sdk 3.6.2 (pip installed on python env) python-engineio 4.11.1(pip installed on python env) python-socketio 5.12.0 (pip installed on python env) prettier@3.4.2 rasa-webchat@1.0.1 react-chat-widget@3.1.4 - Uninstalled prior to posting react-dom@17.0.2 react@17.0.2

When running a simple curl, I get the following: curl -i -N -X GET HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Expose-Headers: filename Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true content-length: 84 connection: keep-alive content-type: text/plain “The client is using an unsupported version of the Socket.IO or Engine.IO protocols”

Is there something I am missing? Based on the videos and documentation, this should have been super easy to implement into a react app.

It does not sound like a lower env worked for others: I am unable to install "rasa-webchat" using "npm" in my React Project - #2 by dasomx

This documentation does not specify: Installing Rasa Open Source