Rasa-voice-interface sanic.exceptions.NotFound: Requested URL /socket.io/ not found

I follow this tutorial how-to-build-a-voice-assistant-with-open-source-rasa-and-mozilla-tools. When I run to the last step rasa run --enable -api -p 5005 , the following error appears,

and the error display on the browser is like this. How can I solve it?

Hey @Neary-li, start the server using below command:

rasa run -m models --enable-api --cors "*" --debug

The problem was mainly due to CORS issue

I ran it your way and found that the error in the browser turned out to be like this.

But the error in Pycharm is the same.sanic.exceptions.NotFound: Requested URL /socket.io/ not found

Hi Neary, what happens when you replace the socketio_connector.SocketIOInput: key with socketio: ?