Rasa socket.io

hi … I am using rasa 2.8. I have customized my chatbot and now wants to implement on a server. rasa-api , rasa-action and rasa-webchat are implemented as services. rasa api and rasa actions service are active now. but when I start rasa-webchat, status of this service is “activacting”!!! when I use F12 on the server url, I have ths error: GET http://rasa-server-ip:5005/socket.io/?EIO=4&transport=polling&t=ODlVtQV 404 (Not Found) it this this is related to websocket connection but i have any idea how to solve it. It should be mentioned that my credentials.yml is as below: socketio: user_message_evt: user_uttered bot_message_evt: bot_uttered session_persistence: false and my index.html as below: window.WebChat.default( { initPayload: ‘/robot’, inputTextFieldHint: ‘لطفا سوال خود را بپرسید’, connectOn:‘mount’, showFullScreenButton:true, displayUnreadCount:true, customData: { language: “fa” }, socketUrl: “http://rasa-server-ip:5005”, socketPath: “/socket.io/”, title: ‘customer _support’, showMessageDate: true, localStorage: localStorage.clear(), // add other props here },

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When you start rasa with debug, you should confirm that the socket channel is started. You’ll see a message showing all of the channels that have started.

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