I follow the steps from Tutorial: Building Assistants with docker, but when running for the rasa run actions, the program just show below two lines and stop there without continue.
2020-02-21 08:58:03 INFO rasa_sdk.endpoint - Starting action endpoint server…
2020-02-21 08:58:04 INFO rasa_sdk.executor - Registered function for ‘sales_form’.
and in another terminal, when I run the rasa shell, the error code of :
Couldn’t connect to the server at ‘http://localhost:5055/webhook’
If you are following that tutorial in docker some of the endpoints will be different. You will have to have a docker-compose setup to run the two separate services, you can see information how to do so here. Deploying your Rasa Assistant
Notice how the endpoint changes to the service name instead of localhost: