Rasa performance metrics on two different config systems

Hey guys, I am working on building a cool bot with 16000+lines of training data which is having 120 intents, here are the performance metrics, please ping if I can optimize it more…![Picture1|690x431]

system RAM Cores Training TIme in mins
Ubuntu 16.04 8GB RAM 4 * (2GB) Cores 110
Ubuntu 16.04 32GB RAM 8 * (4GB) Cores 15


@kiranbeethoju I am HAVING 100-500 lines of nlu file .which server should I use. my current server is
powered by AMD Radeon Instinct MI25 GPUs and AMD EPYC 7V12(Rome) CPUs with a base frequency of 2.45GHz, all-cores peak frequency of 3.1GHz I want to train within 30 seconds which server should I use