Rasa is slowly filling disk space

Within the last night, Rasa used 100% disk space of my server. It created many files in /tmp, around ~80GB.

I think it has something to do with the error, if the address is already in use:

Everytime Rasa tries to start, a small amount of disk space is used. It’s about ~200MB/minute.

@RGK How is Rasa Open Source started? Are you using the Docker image?

It’s started with this command: rasa run --endpoints endpoints.yml --enable-api --credentials credentials.yml --cors "*" -p 5050 I had the action server on the same port, but changed it now. I just wanted to report the bug, that it fills the disk with temporary files, if the port is occupied.

Thanks! Added it to this issue

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is there any solution to this, i am also facing alot of memory issue

I was also facing the same issue. rasa was generating big size files every minute.

What happened in the background is:

Whenever you first run the rasa with the command: rasa run --endpoints endpoints.yml --enable-api --credentials credentials.yml --cors "*" -p 5050

  • First, rasa generates and stores the files in the /tmp folder which is required later to perform the operations.

  • And then look for a port which is specified: 5050 in this case or by default 5005, if this port is free then the rasa server will run on the same port.

  • and if your rasa server is already up and running and even if you try to run the rasa on the same port: in this case, it is 5050,

  • then rasa first stores the files inside the /tmp folder and checks for the port whether it is free or not?

This is the main reason why rasa generates multiple files

imp: On the deployed server, if your script is written in such a way that it will run the above command multiple times for the same port until the command runs successfully, then it will generate multiple files.

one more thing: whenever you stop the rasa server and free the respective port, it will automatically vanish the data from the /tmp folder.

correct me if I am wrong. Thanks!