Rasa is Looping instead of Ending - Rasa Pro CALM


    description: to confirm with user for booking appointment
      - collect: final_confirmation
        ask_before_filling: true
          - if: not slots.final_confirmation
              - action: utter_appointment_cancelled
                next: END
          - else:
              - collect: user_place
              - collect: user_pincode
                  - if: not (slots.user_pincode matches "^\d{6}$")
                    utter: utter_invalid
                next: appointment_successful
      - action: utter_appointment_booked
        id: appointment_successful

I have even made other flow’s collect’s slot to ask_before_filling: true and reset_after_flow_ends: true just in case the bot considers the previous slots and respond where i don’t it need to do.

Still i face the issue in a way as shown in below image: image

Could anyone give me a corrected way for this?

Moreover, this issue is only with No payload with button NO . With Yes , the flow is fine.