Hello there , i was trying to feed some data and extract intent and entity for that but in few case i am getting wrong intent and entity …let me know how to deal with such cases …for example m fetching some movies name in button format 4: ONE PIECE: STAMPEDE (JAPANESE) (/movies_chosen_byuser {“movie”:
“ONE PIECE: STAMPEDE (JAPANESE)”}) like this and my movie name is ONE PIECE: STAMPEDE (JAPANESE) but its taking JAPANESE as movie instead of taking the whole and this example is the case of movie and language entity coming together …
how to deal with such situation
Can you tidy the format of your question? Thank you.
okay let me start from the beginning i am trying to build one chatbot which is basically for movie ticketing for that i used to fetch movie names and returing these movie names as button format like these example : ONE PIECE: STAMPEDE (JAPANESE) (/movies_chosen_byuser {“movie”: “ONE PIECE: STAMPEDE (JAPANESE)”}) but m unable to perform further action by fetching these movie as in this case you can see movie and langguage entity both are present so there may be confusion between both and while filling the slot for movie its coming as JAPANESE only but the whole string should come so my question is how to deal with such situation… and there is another movie name as THE LAST DOOR’S HOUR here also m unable to fetch anything because it’s throwing error ** 2019-11-19 13:15:00 WARNING rasa.core.interpreter - Invalid to parse arguments in line ‘/movies_chosen_byuser {“movie”: "THE LAST DOOR’. Failed to decode parameters as a json object. Make sure the intent is followed by a proper json object. Error: Unterminated string starting at: line 1 column 11 (char 10) i got the error like its taking half of the string but can you give some suggestions like how can i remove these error