Rasa and Google Cloud Platform

Version: Rasa X 0.35.0

Hello everyone,

I have a Google Cloud Platform account where I installed Rasa X using this script: curl -sSL -o install.sh https://storage.googleapis.com/rasa-x-releases/0.35.1/install.sh

I notice that after installation I have running many docker containers: image .

  1. I would like to know more details about them. What they do and I wonder if I need all of them. I know what is rabbitmq, progresql and redis but i don`t know what is the scope of rasa_app, rasa_worker, rasax and rasa_production.

  2. Another question is is which container is stored config.yml if I want to edit manualy, not from git.

  3. I want to know in which container I have to install the lastest spacy (I know that spacy is already installed, but I need to upgrade it) and to download my language model for spacy ??? (I tried to connect to many containers using root in order to install/update spacy/model language. (nothing works). Help me please. I searched in docs and on google but I did not find the answer.

  4. It`s mandatory to put resposes ( utter_ … ) in domain file ? I tried to create a new file in data folder, named resposes.yml but Rasa X said something like this: The action utter_greet was found in the training data but is missing in the domain. The resposes.yml file looks like :

version: “2.0”



  • text: Great, carry on!


Is it wrong ?