How can we integrate rasa 3 with my website , Its not clearly explained(for me) in official docs
Use this widget
There are already multiple frontends you can use:
- Chatbot Widget by Jitesh Gaikwad (web)
- WebApp by me (web)
- Webchat by Botfront (web)
- Chatroom by ScalableMinds (web)
- Rasa Android by Dishant Ghandi (mobile)
- MobApp by me (mobile)
Rasa Chat Widget by Rasa (web)
You can use one of them and edit it as you wish, easier than building your own
I am familiar with #1, #2, and #6 if you need any help.
Hello @Hrithik0699 and Welcome to the forum!
You can use any one which is suggested by Chris, everyone is doing their best. But on my personal preference, I will go with the rasa/botfront one which has rich features and is ideal for any use case. Hope this link will help you t0 integrate the rasa chatbot with the bot front and website.
Future issues can be socket IO connection for integration.Can you please tell rasa --version? . Good luck!
Thanks @nik202 I will try it, my rasa version is 3.0. Actually I use the bot front in the previous versions but in this version it is not working .
Thanks @ChrisRahme can we use this all with version 3 of rasa?
You probably can since the REST API has not changed for sending messages.
@Hrithik0699 yes there is an issue with socketIO with both the versions 3.0 and 3.1 and even I guess 3.2, but try implement this first and do let me know.
Thanks @nik202 and @ChrisRahme it’s working with the frontends suggested by @ChrisRahme . But with socketio it’s not working
@Hrithik0699 Chris suggested so many which one you selected?
@Hrithik0699 If its working please close this thread as solution and open a new issue with the error.
I have used and it’s working for me
Does someone use Chatbot Widget by Jitesh Gaikwad (web) with Rasa 3.X? DO you know ChrisRahme? I am looking for a rest web solution… Thanks in advance! Paula
@Paula the chatbot widget is working with 3.X
Can you tell me how can i integrate the WebApp widget that you created on my existing angular project ?