Rasa 2.0: responses in tests

Hi all,

I want to include also responses in tests, so I have written tests like:

- story: chitchat_el/activities0el01
  - user: |
      <some user text>
    intent: chitchat_el/activities0el01
  - action: utter_chitchat_el/activities0el01

However, I get an error that intent chitchat_el/activities0el01 is not in the domain (and indeed it is not). Shouldn’t rasa train detect that this is a response, and the intent is chitchat_el? And the rest is the sub-intent?

@petasis This could be a bug. I don’t think this is related to the bug but your action should be utter_chitchat_el and not utter_chitchat_el/activities0el01 I’ll take a look at what’s happening with the intent there and get back to you.

I tried also with:

- story: chitchat_el/activities0el01
  - user: |
      <some user text>
    intent: chitchat_el
  - action: utter_chitchat_el/activities0el01

It works (as in no errors), but the results are wrong (all scores were at 0). Accuracy should have been 0.98 (this is what I measure with my own scripts).

Can you open an issue on github please with the bug label?

Opened here: Rasa 2.0: responses in tests fail · Issue #7002 · RasaHQ/rasa · GitHub