I created a Generative AI Lead Generation Chatbot, and there I added a story below:
- story: greet and answer mortgage question steps: - intent: greet - action: utter_greet - intent: mood_great - action: utter_great - intent: affirm - action: utter_query - intent: ask_query - action: action_answer_mortgage_question - action: utter_ask_query2 - intent: affirm - action: utter_query - intent: ask_query - action: action_answer_mortgage_question2 - action: simple_form - active_loop: simple_form
Here, ‘action_answer_mortgage_question’ and ‘action_answer_mortgage_question2’ are actions that integrate rasa with Gen AI Gemini API through the actions.py file. But, when the story is coming till ‘action_answer_mortgage_question2’ after taking the user’s second and last query, it returns to ‘utter_query’ and isn’t executing the ‘simple_form’ action. Can you please help me with the issue?
Here, I have integrated my stories.yml and domain.yml files. Please, check those: stories.yml (3.6 KB) domain.yml (3.8 KB)