Python -m spacy download en throws error as C:\Python27\python.exe: No module named spacy

When i try to run this python -m spacy download en throws error as below C:\Python27\python.exe: No module named spacy Please help me with this ASAP

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Try to run "import spacy " in your python enviroment. If that doesn’t work you need to install spacy in your current enviroment with ``` pip install -U spacy

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This error is usually caused because of python directory of different versions stored at same location. i.e in my case I was using python 3.5.X for development and when I updated to 3.7.6 I got this error. People on internet suggest that it is because of pip but main cause is 2 or more python directory Step 1–> Uninstall previous python version (or use virtual environment if you want to play with multiple python version) Step 2 -->Delete the python directory you are not using (as it causes confusion for terminal to understand which python path it should pick to execute the command) and this should fix the error of fatal error in launcher unable to create process using '. I am also learning Python from CETPA I am fresher so whatever i know i share here.

Reason is behind that the spacy module is not installed in your Python environment. To resolve this issue, you need to install the spacy library first. You can do this by using the following command:

pip install spacy

Once the installation is complete, you should be able to download the English language model using the command:

python -m spacy download en

Hope this would be helpful!